Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Sunday

A day filled with colors

Home again.

Further adventures of the A's

My fellow A adventuress, pretty as you please.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mommy has the best time ever

I am not kidding - I think this is the best day I I have had since after the much awaited birthday of the J. Wonderful and unexpected mommy/baby/other kid/music family time from early a.m. to fannnntastic early friendship evening/nightime mommy-out-on-the-town time. Just a great time. Every . Little. Bit. Great.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Looking forward

...to less of this...

...more of this...

and lots more of that.

We had a beaut of a day here. Jack wanted nothing to do with holding my hand on our walk - he wanted to break free and run.

Friday, March 7, 2008

flu season

Actually, I don't know if it's the flu or the effects of some bad
Singapore mi fun, but I feel perfectly crummy.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Good + happy day

Birds! And wind! Outside is a wonderful place.

muddy, muddy grass


and more birds!
A very good day.

visit to Dr. G

34", 29 lbs 11 oz - still in the 90th%

We got off shot-free today