Saturday, November 24, 2007

from 84 to 28 in 3 hours

Tickle fingers, GG style

Victor is hungry - no on board snacks?

That's degrees.....
it's going to take awhile to get used to this cold......

One last swim

Yes Virginia, there is a Mommy

First shower


Turkey overload

GG's home early!


Evening walk

Random beauty shots

Love Sylvia's hoya, but not in my eye, thanks.

Welcome to the jungle

My favorite, the Bismark again - and the coconut palm

Mom's house is surrounded by fantastic tropical giants!


Don't go Yenta...

Yenta was not too sure about Jack, but he was positive he loved her.

Day and night, night and day

Florida, continued

Florida - part 1 of many

The pool is always the main event; 7 am and Jack was ready to go outside for a dip in the "poo".

weeping and gnashing of teeth

6 hours after we got to the airport - waiting to be shuttled to ANOTHER airport. Jack was amazing.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Thanks to our wonderful neighbors - we got the painting done.

Gina, Mark, Ethan and Carter - you rock!