I am so glad we rediscovered this place (on the 4th of July we came, for the fiddawoks), because it has given him hours and hours of hot, sticky, sandy, toe stubbing enjoyment. Years ago, this was just a place where my sister and I bummed cigarettes, and while that sounds kind of gross, it is a really good memory. But not as fun as all of this, to be sure:

"Yes, Climbing!" he yelled. Lots of ladders

and some baby show-downs

and joining the big-boys-day-camp

made for another great romp in VT! There was also a girls field hockey practice he kept getting in the middle of, but I was busy getting him away, so got no pics - which is a shame, because he was a hit with the girls and had to have a high-five from all 15 them. Super cute.