Monday, December 22, 2008

photo play

Jack took a nice long nap today, so I got out in what sunshine there was and started playing with my new camera. Christmas gifts are wrapped and shipped, we are getting more snow on the 25th and we don't have to go anywhere - all that's left is to let the joy begin!

This one is my favorite - taken from J's room as he was waking up. Click it to see the magic of Mother nature up close

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Oh, Lighten up!

After re-connecting with my other crafty and bright blog ladies this weekend, coming back to mine seemed, well, gloomy. Could be that it was just the shortest day of the year and that EVERYTHING was dark as midnight at 3:30 - could be my cold getting me down, but I opted for a change - white bright as the snow covering all and sundry here.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Delivering the goods

Still have a lot of playing around with the new camera to do - but here are a few from Fuji's FinePix S1000:We thought delivering cookies was a good excuse to bundle up and go out into the snow. It's still coming down - tomorrow should be a beautiful picture day!
Playing with the panoramic setting

Second annual Devereaux cookie extravaganza

Beginning: this is what will be found in my kitchen, (long after the cookies are gone), just rolling around despite my best efforts at cleaning. Middle: taken with the new camera!

If our enjoyment of this holiday increases exponentially every year, then we may well pass out next year from the joy: 'cause, man, we had a great time.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Making oatmeal raisin kwee-kwees: These are all before we mixed the flour with the cinnamon and made the oats fly arross the room: having my stand mixer back and fixed after 6 months, I got a bit dopey and forgot to put the head down after I added the oatmeal, and turned it on. Messy kitchen, but also instant hilarity!

Too busy being in the moment to take pictures after the explosion of batter (ok, too compulsive), but we did have fun. I just love the apron.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Big drama

Good bye curls - Craig convinced me, after a long siege, to get J's baby hair cut off. Here he is, happy to be in the car, with no idea of what was to come.....NO!
I was a little misty myself.
But in the end, it was all ok, and he got some bubbles
And somehow picked up the pieces of his life and learned to smile again.

So long, mullet.