Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Santa's cookies

All that's left from the 1st annual Devereaux Christmas Cookie Spectacular.
(except for the jimmies I keep finding everywhere)

Monday, December 24, 2007

Beginning to look a lot like.....

Christmas mountain.......And who dosen't want to be at Christmas mountain?

Wrapping gifts while Craig and the baby (as Marisa says; "both of your children") are fast asleep - a magic time. And to think, I was afraid we would not have enough here under our pretty tree for Jack in this lean year. Our family is the best.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

How much does this suck?

It sucks a lot. poor lonely old car

The wounded home.

Stuff was taken from all over - and dumped in the garage. Pillows, blankets, baskets, lamps: Why???? Strange and infuriating.

Goodbye silver
Electronics that are too old to be worth taking.
Nobody was hurt, the house is fine and my husband wins the
stand-up man of the year award for going and dealing with all of this crummyness. And we thought we'd said goodbye to VT for the season!

The Blue Boy

GG made a beautiful new sweater for Jack - with lots of room to grow

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Does this mean we have to get a dog?

Dad and Jack having some much needed bonding time

Again, little dog = fantastic pleasure.

Megan was the highlight of Dad and Wendy's wonderful visit.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

Let the joy begin!

Picking out a tree with Bacco of Beacon

We spent so much time in this greenhouse this summer, Jack must have known where we were (that distinctive, wonderful, earthy smell) - or, more likley, he just liked the sea of red.

Transfixed more by daddy's singing than the lights so far....

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Back in the saddle again

Leaving Beacon again - in the snow this time

The meeting place: Fortitude
(that's Patience on the left, but we always get it wrong)

Marisa and Adria's annual Bryant Park shopping bonanza!

This little piggy went to Town Hall

.......where all the women are strong, all the men are handsome, and all of the children are above average.

A very blurry Odetta in the wheelchair


TS @ 43rd

At Merchant, the place I swore never to return to! THT and Marisa - I don't know anything about the random brooder sitting down.

the prodigal bartender returns

Forever, indeed.

Monday, December 3, 2007

chairs - version 2

I re-covered these chairs in some fabric I dyed this week - a vast improvement!

Sing, sing a song

Jack and Jill

I don't know who enjoys the bear growls more.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

from 84 to 28 in 3 hours

Tickle fingers, GG style

Victor is hungry - no on board snacks?

That's degrees.....
it's going to take awhile to get used to this cold......

One last swim

Yes Virginia, there is a Mommy

First shower


Turkey overload

GG's home early!


Evening walk